About Me

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A 30. Something mom of 6yr old lovely boy, a wife and a working woman trying to get healthy while juggling life.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

The beginning

Day 1.
 When 2017 began, I decided to make this my year. I began with great motivation and put in some really good effort into losing weight. I didn't lose much but at least I was working towards the goal. But then life happened and I fell off the wagon . Next thing you know I was 10 lbs away from my highest weight of 235 lbs. I am doing so well in other spheres of my life that losing weight became a secondary thing.

So past few days this whole issue has been gnawing at my mind. I know I need to lose lits of weight. I am not getting any younger. I know all the tools that are required to help weight loss . I know about calorie counting, strength training, cardio .....everything. The secret to weight loss is simple. "EAT LESS AND MOVE MORE". So why am I still fat?

 Because I lack three things
1. Consistency
2. Commitment
3. Discipline

 Ok. I finally understand what I probably knew,deep down, all along. I get spurts of motivation time to time. But what I lack is consistency. Once the motivation wanes I begin to slack. I have no discipline. In all the success stories that I have been reading , to know how to be successful, I realized that the common strain was discipline and commitment.

 Armed with my new found wisdom I am yet again going to enter the treacherous terrain of weight loss journey. This blog will help me be accountable to myself.
Before pic 225 lbs
This time I hope to finally reach the finish line . While I start this day with tons of motivation, I plan to finish it with dedication and discipline.